Sunday, April 6, 2008

My two cents

I just returned from a meeting that included people from a number of ministries that provide relief and development to countries and communities in need. During the meeting Rich Stearns, President of World Vision, shared a few statistics that were very sobering. In America there are more than 350,000 churches, with well over 100 million people in regular attendance. The average Christian gives 2.5% of his/her income, which is only slightly ahead of Americans on the whole. Of the giving to those 350,000 churches, just 2 cents of every dollar goes to fund programs to deal with poverty and injustice around the world. It was pointed out that 2,100 Bible verses deal with justice and the poor, so we have certainly been given instruction in this endeavor.

You could say this is a rather dismal picture of American Christians. I'd rather look at this as an opportunity to for us to stretch and create even more opportunities to reach out and impact lives around the world. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and ministering to the widow and orphan is part and parcel of the Good News of Jesus. When we reach out in His name to the least of these, we are putting feet to the Gospel. And guess what? Amazing doors then open for people to hear our words. St. Augustine said, "at all times preach the gospel, and when necessary, use words."

We are given the blessings of provision to be a blessing to others. This has caused me to look again at my priorities, and to consider what more I can do for His kids.


Emily said...

At first I thought you put you were going consider what more you can do for YOUR kids, and I got excited. Just Kidding. My friend is reading a book that said if ONLY CHRISTIANS in the US would give 10% of their incomes we could end world hunger. Now, I actually find that encouraging because that is something that we can actually do!

Ed P said...

Just checking, Little Brother. Carry on. Regards,