Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Career Change

Earlier this month, I was appointed as the new President of Mission of Mercy. It is a great honor. But it also carries a tremendous responsibility. Some 36,000 children in over 20 countries are touched by this ministry.

For the past 32 years, I have been involved in all aspects of radio broadcasting. I started as a disc jockey and ended up owning a station in my hometown in South Dakota. In 1983, I sold that radio station to start a contemporary Christian radio ministry in Spearfish, South Dakota. Broadcasting has been my life - it is the only career I have known.

In 1991, our radio ministry merged with Bethesda Ministries, which is also the parent ministry of Mission of Mercy. Since that time, I have been speaking on behalf of the kids of Mission of Mercy. In 1994, we started the 28 Hours of Mercy, a radio telethon that is held on radio stations around the country. I have traveled extensively hosting those events. I've also had the pleasure of leading Mission Trips to projects around the world. I have experienced the impact of child sponsorship in a number of countries. So, after 17 years of speaking for Mission of Mercy on radio, it is only natural that I step into a position with the ministry.

Stepping into a leadership position with Mission of Mercy is a very humbling experience. There are so many elements that go into linking a child to a sponsor. It has been overwhelming to be placed into this position, and to know the responsibility that the position carries. I feel like I am in over my head at times, but that's OK with me. It is only when we are completely dependent on God that we are where we need to be. I know I've been called, but I also know that without the leading of Christ in my life, there will be no success. So, I deeply appreciate your prayer support.

I love radio - and the impact that Christian radio makes in the lives of its listeners. But, I also want to touch the lives of children around the world. And so, the adventure begins!